This question applies to both men and women....Are You A Captain Save 'Em? You know what I mean. You pick a mate, consciously or unconsciously, that you feel the need to help, save or rescue.
If I am going to be completely honest here I have in the past picked men that needed someone to save them from themselves basically. They needed help and I want to help people that are close to me so we kinda gravitate to each other. I always have to make sure the people closest to me are OK.
I actually just came to this realization and I had an Ah HA! moment once I did. I looked back on all of my relationships and the majority of the ones in my adult life have been with men that needed saving. Of course there were some that didn't fall into that category but by and large most of them did.
Now that I know this about myself I can work on changing the type of guy I attract by not putting out that "save 'em" vibe.