A few years back I was dating a gentleman we’ll call “Bobbie”. Well Bobbie was a wonderful guy. He was attentive, kind, generous, a real gentleman. In a nutshell he was a great guy.
When I first met him I thought he was really nice but he wasn’t my type physically. Basically he was of average looks, maybe even below average but he was such a great guy that I thought I would give him a chance and see where things could develop to.
A little something about me…..I am a kisser. I love to kiss. Hands down. If a guy does not like to kiss then chances are he and I will not be together for very long. Bobbie liked to kiss but the problem was his skill level/technique. To make it plain….he was HORRIBLE!!!
I like soft, sensual kisses at first then work into an intense deep kiss with a little tongue but at a minimum. Just lightly dancing with my tongue then a slight graze of the upper and lower lips ever so gently. Well Bobbie was ALL tongue! It was terrible. I felt like I was going to suffocate every time he tried to kiss me.
His tongue would just invade my mouth and jam itself down my throat. It was not romantic people. I would try to back up a little to give him a hint that he needs to back off just a tad but that damn tongue just kept coming at me. I had to make him stop one time so that I could catch my breath.
I even showed him once how I like to be kissed and told him this is what I like but to no avail. That spear like thing just kept ramming itself down my throat.
Needless to say Bobbie didn’t stick around for too long. LOL