Thursday, May 3, 2007

A Statue Cussed me out!

Okay, I mentioned before in a previous blog about a trip I made to New Orleans. I really love that place. The music, the food, the energy just everything. I haven't been since the hurricane so I am not sure how New Orleans is now. I'm sure much different then on my visit.

Apparently, like many cities, New Orleans has a large poor population. People trying to make ends meet the best they can. Since it's a huge tourist site it stands to reason that you will see a vast number of street vendors and performers. You know how it works, they perfom, you applaud and give them a cash tip as an appreciation. No problem. My party and I were walking along the waterfront minding our own business. There was this guy painted in all silver. His appearance and poses were strikingly close to those of a statue. Hell, if you weren't paying attention you'd swear dude WAS a statue.

Anyway, as we were walking we noticed this guy and stopped for a second to see him make his poses. It was quite entertaining. We stood there for a few moments and proceeded on our way.

Why did we hear, "Oh, so you not gonna leave a tip?" Huh!!!?? I turned around to see who said that. "So you not gonna tip me?" I looked at the guy and he's now looking at us. I'm in total shock because I've never been extorted for a tip before so I was taken aback.

Our stunned silence wasn't enough for him. He proceeded to say, "See that's what's wrong with these people these days. You come down here but you don't wanna give up no money."

Get the hell outta here. He is actually catching a major tude over our not tipping. We were just walking by. I opened my mouth to ask the guy what the fuck was his problem when my friend looked at me, saw my mouth open and immediately grabbed my arrm and dragged me off.

That pathetic street performer pissed me off. How are you gonna extort a tip from passers by on the street!!?

Geesh! Dude almost got his ass whooped! LOL