- I hate when someone spits on the ground! You uncooth bastard! If you have to spit...use a tissue or paper towel or something. Geesh! No one wants to step in your nasty ass Phlem.
- I hate when I call someone and I KNOW they are there looking at the caller ID and DOESN'T PICK UP THE PHONE!!! If I call dammit, answer the phone!
- I hate when people I do not know call me "baby" or "sweetheart". It's patronizing and condescending so don't do it!!!
- I hate skid marks in underwear. Enough said on that.
- I hate when a man asks for your number AND DOESN'T CALL!!
Not pet peeves but just things that piss me off:
- I am pissed off that my mother thought it was not important to have life insurance. STUPID.
- I am pissed that the ass hole who owes me $2000 doesn't even realize he owes it to me!
- I am pissed that people pretend to have certain feelings that they really don't have and that causes hurt feelings.