Thursday, June 3, 2010

How Strong Are Your Dating Convictions?

I think those of us that have been in the dating pool at one time or other have grown accustomed to formulating a list or guideline that we'd like our potential mates to follow. Guidelines they must fall within or else they quickly get thrust into the pool of dating losers which seems to grow at quite a rapid pace.

Some of us have religious or spiritual guidelines that our potential love interest must adhere to. My question to you is just how strong are your religious convictions? Would you be willing to date someone that had vastly different views on the subject then you do? How would you handle raising kids? Who's views would prevail in that instance? If you had a strong religious background could you see yourself dating an atheist?

The person I end up with must have at least some of the similar fundamental beliefs that I do otherwise I think we'd always be at odds with one another.

Have you ever dated or married someone that had vastly different views from you?