Friday, May 28, 2010

Oh No He Didn't

Several years ago when I was young, I went to this hot club that used to be in Baltimore but has long since met it's demise. It was a fun might with me and my girls.

I met this guy there. There was nothing about him that stood out. He was just an ordinary dude and that was fine. We exchanged phone numbers and talked on the phone a few times. He then decided to ask me out. I agreed thinking we'd have an enjoyable evening eating and going to a movie. The date ended up being OK. Nothing to write home about.

A couple of weeks roll by and we speak a few times on the phone but never managed to get another date together which was fine by me. Then all of a sudden he called me with the craziest request I still can't believe he asked me.

He called and started explaining how he had lost his job and was having difficulty where he was living and he needed to leave. I'm thinking to myself how unfortunate. You poor thing. I truly hope it all works out for you. After nothing more then an "I'm sorry" from me he then asks me if he could move in with me for a little while. Dude, did I just hear you right? You asked to move into my place and I've only seen you twice in my whole life? Are you kidding me? I don't even know your last name yet.

As nice as I could I simply said, " Uh, dude, I feel for your situation and all but this is a queendom in here and that's how it's going to stay."

Needless to say I never heard from him again. I wonder if he's still on the streets? Hmmmmm.....