Sunday, January 24, 2010

I Blocked You!

So last week my cell phone buzzed indicating an email had arrived. I picked up the phone and opened my email folder and BAMM! There it was. A message from my ex husband! That's right, my ignorant ass ex husband.

He sent me a message via facebook a few months ago saying something to the effect that he liked my picture. I ignored him because I truly did not want him to think I wanted to be buddies with him and as a result send me a friend request. Hell no! So I ignored him. Take that asswipe!

Then fast forward to last week and there was yet another facebook message from him. What in the world is his problem? Dude,I ignored your first message why would you send me another message? This new one said something to the effect that he liked me smiling. Again, I ignored that message.

A business associate gave me a great bit of information this week, "Just block him." What!? You can ignore someone that was not a friend? Why didn't anyone tell me this before? I hold all of you personally responsible for holding this precious bit of information from me.

Later that evening when I got to my computer I did what I should have done ages ago...block his ass!! Yaaaayyyy boooyy! Boo ya! Now try to find me Mr. Jerkoff!