Ok I am on a war path at the moment.
I live in a pretty quiet, safe neighborhood. I’ve lived here for close to 6 years now. I enjoy it here, for the most part. I’ve had no problems from neighbors, except the loud ass barking dogs or some jerk parking in front of my house but that’s it, pretty peachy living.
While living in my current home I have had the occasion to have many packages delivered via UPS, FedEx or USPS. They’d usually leave said packages on the front porch and go on about their business.
Well on one such occasion, I was expecting a delivery of a body scrub I found on eBay that Bath and Body Works used to sell but no longer do (bitches) as well as a 4 version comparison bible to replace the other one I told you all about. I’d come home everyday in search of my precious packages when I figured they should arrive. Nothing.
Several days later I hear a knock on my door. I walk over and ask who it is to find my neighbor whom I’ve never actually seen before. Upon opening the door I noticed he held in his hands the boxes that my items SHOULD have come in. At first glance I was ecstatic but of course that was short lived as one of the boxes was empty.
“Hi, I’m your neighbor Ken. I found these over on the hill. Apparently some boys have been going around taking peoples packages from their porches and opening them and taking what they want.”
Ok, I was in total disbelief. “Oh really?” was the only response I could conjure up.
“Yeah. I’ve caught them running from my porch before. They keep taking my packages and I get a delivery almost every day for my job.” He held out the empty box that used to hold my body scrub, “They seemed to have taken whatever was in here but they left this other item.” He then held out the torn open box that the bible was wrapped in. Figures those heathen ass punks wouldn’t want a bible.
I thanked him, grabbed the boxes then shut the door. I suddenly became incensed. How dare these punks come onto my porch and take something that belongs to ME. Something I paid my hard earned money for. How dare they? The more I thought about this the angrier I got.
This kind of thing never happened before, UGH! So now I can’t even have things delivered to my own damn house.
I found this fantastic cell phone that I wanted on eBay that I ordered and you better believe I had that sucker delivered to my job this time because if those bastards had stolen my $250 phone, I swear I would have gone on a murderous rampage of the whole entire neighborhood until I felt better. That could easily have taken at least a year..... or more. Who's to say.