Poker Girl In Vegas tagged me. I think I was tagged about a month ago but forgot by whom. Sorry if I forgot to do your meme. It was not intentional. If you are the one I forgot just remind me and I'll get right to it. lol
So here is what I'm supposed to do. I must list 5 things you probaly don't know about me. Ohhhhh, there are so many, where do I begin.
5. I can be pretty judgemental. Lord knows I try not to be but dammit if you are a hot mess I am going to comment. I have no choice really.
4. I hate confrontation. Its true. I try to avoid confrontation if at all possible but if I can't.....WWWHHHHHOOOOO boy! That's all I can say.
3. My parents were the most unaffectionate people in the world. I don't remember my parents EVER telling me "I love you". I don't think I have ever heard them utter those words. EVER.
2. I have serious road rage. Its controlled but dammit it's there.
1. I seriously want to have plastic surgery. I want lypo of my chin and abdomin. I want butt and hip implants because I have no butt and hips.
Let's see....I must tag 5 people. I'll tag:
Mom's my name, don't wear it out
Have fun!