Wednesday, August 22, 2007

It's getting hot in here.

I really love my job and the people I work with. I have not had that in a work environment in a very long time. With that said my boss is a really cool person. We get along with no problems.

However, my boss’s personal life is a complete mess. She is cheating on her husband and we all know it. I think her affair has been going on for about a year now. Well, suffice to say that I think her husband has gotten wind of said affair.

We were all seated at our desks, minding our own businesses when all of a sudden my boss screeches at me, “DIVA!!! Please do me a favor. Run to the front desk and grab Greg and take him to the all purpose room really fast! Tell him I’ll be there in a minute. I got caught up in a last minute meeting.”

Me: “Ok. Why are you so frazzled? Everything ok?”

Boss: “Yes but Richard is on his way up and I can’t have them two meet!!!!”

Richard is her husband and Greg is her stiff one on the side. I run out to the lobby to grab Greg. As I do the elevator door opens and Richard steps out. Oh my goodness! I’ve met Richard before so I simply say, “Hi Richard. Long time no see. How are you?”

Richard: “I’m just hunky dory. How are you these days?”

Me: “Fantastic.”

Richard: “Good to hear it.”

Me. “Alright. Take care.”

I usher Greg out of the lobby as fast as I can before Richard could have a chance to mention my boss. I take Greg to the All Purpose room, have him sit down, turn on the TV and close the door as I leave. I get back to my desk just as Richard and my boss are leaving from her office. She doubles back and tells me, “Wait about 10 minutes and tell Greg to…” Just as she was giving me her directive, Greg walks out of the room and over to us and says, “Tell Greg what?”

Ok now I am shitting bricks. I am looking really dazed and confused right now. I’m wondering how she is going to get herself out of this mess. I surely wasn’t going to offer any assistance.

Boss: “I was just going to tell her to tell you that I was going to be right in in just a few moments.”

Greg: “Oh cool. How are you?” He then kisses her on the cheek.

Boss: “Really good honey…just crazy busy.” Just then Richard comes over to her, “Hey, I looked back and noticed you weren’t behind me. Uhhh…what’s going on here?”

Now I’m looking back and forth at all three of them wondering what she is going to do. I need to go back to my desk but for some reason my legs will not move.

Boss: “I had to speak to this gentleman for a minute. Meet me at the elevators in the lobby.”

Richard: “Ok but what is the kiss on the cheek about?”

Greg: Looking directly at my boss, “Who is this?”

Richard: “Who am I? Who are YOU?”

Aaaaawww shit now!!! It’s about to get crazy around here. I still can’t move.

Boss: “Let’s go to the conference room down the hall and talk about it.”

Richard: “You damn right we’ll talk about it.”

All three of them proceed to the conference room and all you can hear is a lot of shouting and screaming and furniture moving. Richard flings open the door and rushes out, gets to the elevator and leaves in a huff. Greg walks out in a huff about 5 minutes later. My boss comes back to her desk, gathers her keys and purse and leaves for the rest of the day. She’s off today as well.
