Do you remember your first apartment? I sure do. I went out looking all over Baltimore County to find a nice apartment that I could afford on my $27K a year salary.
I found this apartment complex in an older section of Baltimore County and thought,"Pay dirt!!" This is perfect. It was a studio apartment for only $400 a month. Yes!
I plopped down my app fee and my security deposit and anxiously starting counting down the days til I moved. Let me describe this gem to you. It was the size of my current walk in closet. There was no kitchen just an "area" that held a stove and refrigerator. The cabinets were like metal or steal. The carpet was this really dark cheap brown. The apartment was so small that there was just one window air conditioner that cooled the entire apartment. Yeah baby, I pulled out all the stops with this one! Oh yeah, I would hear the guy upstairs constantly having sex over my head. I started dating him several years later but that's another story.
Do you remember your first apartment?
Stay tuned for tomorrow's post!!