Thursday, October 21, 2010

Caught Up

Hello my bloghearts! How are you these days? Blogging around these parts have been pretty scarce lately. Not just me but I visit my favorite blogs and notice that lately they go days and weeks without updating. I wonder if its just that time of year. I thought people would start blogging more when school started and summer was over. Oh well.

In an effort to get my blogging mojo back I am going to post everyday for 30 days. That's right people, 30 freakin days consecutively! Boy this is going to be interesting so come visit everyday for the next 30 days and see what in the world I'm up to that day!

So today, I'm going to discuss being caught up. You all know what I mean. You meet someone and they have your nose wide open. You are completely caught up in them and you can't see past when the next time you get to see them.

I was caught up like that once. Yeah, I know it's hard to believe but trust me, it happened to me.

I was young, very early 20's and not very sure of myself. I had gone to a male strip show with one of my really good friends. One of the dancers caught my eye. he was in his early 30's. I was way out of my league with this guy but I could not help myself. We spent alot of time at his house. That didn't bother me none.

He had my head so far in the clouds it was ridiculous. I wanted to spend everyday with him but of course that couldn't happen. Wherever he was dancing I wanted to be there too. It was bad.

He started treating me very dismissively and pretty disrespectfully at times but I still tried to hang in there. He'd bring other women home when he knew I would be there. You'd think I'd learn my lesson and stop having feelings for him but that didn't happen. When you are young your emotions take over and you think that's all there is. I stopped sleeping with him though (on a regular basis) but my heart was still there.

When I finally got away from him physically I ran into 16 years later and those feelings started to surface. It was on my birthday to be exact and my friends, Clueless and Crazy, and I were out celebratinig my big day and we ran into him.. Man oh man why did we have to run into HIM.

He's one person I had to completely cut out and never communicate with or else bad things begin to happen.

Is there anyone out there that had you all caught up like that?

Tomorrow's post, I'm Just Not That Into You.