Well...not much going on with me per se. Life is moving right along and I am loving it right about now.
The Analyst received some pretty shattering news yesterday. He was fired from his job. He felt it was coming. There was tension and behind the back talking and he was even written up by his manager. I feel really bad for him because he is mad, scared, ashamed and a whole host of other emotions all wrapped up in one. He is worried about how he will pay his bills and its a valid concern because he has some pretty mountainous bills not to mention child support to his ex wife.
Unemployment is a complete joke. Who in the world can survive off of $380 a week? I mean come on. Not when you are used to making upwards of $75K a year. Some things will clearly have to go by the wayside and I feel bad for him.
He is scouring head hunters and job boards now trying to find something as soon as possible and I pray he does...for his sake.
Although our future together is none existent as chronicled in this blog I still feel compelled to try and help as much as possible but there is only so much I can do to be honest so we'll see how this thing pans out.
I just feel really bad for him but trying to put on a brave front for him that every thing's going to be OK. I'm not really sure exactly what to do in this situation but I'll wing it I supposed.
On a brighter note, mom seems to be flourishing in her new assisted living apartment. I am so happy about that you have no idea. There is such a load lifted from my shoulders now that she's taken care of. She even managed to go downstairs for a social meet and greet for an hour yesterday. Hot damn! LOL