OK, it seems that the older we get the more we begin to come full circle in the cycle of life. Think about it, we are born and totally dependent on our parents for our very survival. We get to our teens and go through puberty where we become, mean and cliquish. In those teens years the hottest clothes and the sexiest cars are must haves. We get in our 20's and 30's and material things don't matter much because we are focused on our careers where we are making money like never before and the material things are easy to get at that point. Then we become middle aged and things start to go backwards, we go through mid life crisis and go out and buy that shiny red corvette. Men divorce their wives for some young hottie who's only after their money. Then we become senior citizens and get mean and cliquish again. Then we become ancient and have to rely on our grown children to clothe and bath us.
I visit my mother at her assistant living facility and those old ass people are mean as all get out. They sit at the same tables for every meal and if someone different sits at their table they actually look at them and say, "This is not your table. You can't sit here." Mind you there are no assigned seating in the dining room. So now that person feels unwanted and ends up sitting at a table alone.
I was talking to my mother one day as I was pushing her wheelchair towards the elevator on our way back to her apartment when I accidentally bumped into an old lady. She said, "Ouch, you bumped into me with that thing." I said, "Oh, I'm sorry. I was talking to my mother and I didn't see you." I honestly didn't know I bumped her and genuinely felt bad. This heifer had the audacity to say to me, "Yeah, you weren't paying attention. You need to watch where you are going." Can I tell you I looked at that woman and just stared at her for a minute. I was THIS CLOSE to smacking that old biddy in her mouth. All that nastiness was totally unnecessary and almost got her a beat down.